Is escaping the answer?

18 months after I left my husband I find myself sharing a room with two girls and a guy in France doing a ski season! I packed two bags and off I went!

A bold move? An escape? A change of scenery you may ask? well I guess it’s a combination of them all, you can’t run away from any problems that is for sure and I certainly wasn’t trying to!

I needed a change of scenery and to meet new people and I’m as bold and fiery as they come! I grew a massive pair of balls the day I left my husband and got my personality back from what was a shrinking violet in the making. Never again will I let a man control me or be responsible for someone else’s happiness! It’s a cliché line but you have to be happy with yourself before you can be happy with someone else and be in love! If not it’s a disaster waiting to happen. A disaster which I have experienced numerous times, but never again.

It really is true when people say “have some you time, think about what you want” I’ve learnt so much about myself and can admit when I’m being stubborn, defensive, jealous, self-righteous and for the first time in 28 years I think before I speak because karma is a fucking bitch! I’m a firm believer in Laws of Attraction, you should educate yourself and be aware

I’ve been here for 4 weeks and learnt nothing new about myself so far that I didn’t know already, although it has confirmed I am really private and would rather not wake up in a concrete single bed with a girl if I reach far enough I can touch!

That’s a minimal complaint for where I actually am and what I get to see everyday. Beautiful mountains in the swiss/french alps, fresh air, great skiing, the people and best of all apres ski. I have had moments when I wish I was at home with my best mate drinking cups of tea chatting about our spiritual paths and where we are going to end up next. But I took the bold move and ended up here and I couldn’t be happier with my decision.

Escaping for 6 months upon reflection was the best thing I could have done and all I want to do now is plan my next move.

So if you find yourself with little mates, no job, no house and nothing to keep you where you are, grow those balls and make a bold move, you do actually come to realise you have absolutely nothing to lose and it just adds to your life and a new story to tell.